St. Lawrence's House is located at Illinska Street, 38, at the bottom of Boldin Hills. This is a small ordinary residential building of the late XIX - early XX centuries.

In the first half of the twentieth century Elder Lawrence lived here. After his death, he was canonized by the Orthodox Church as St. Lawrence of Chernihiv. During his life he became famous for his works and miracles. Here from 1930 to 1942 in the cellar there was an underground secret church for believers, baptismal and wedding ceremonies were performed. Lawrence himself was persecuted and repressed by the Soviet authorities. In 1993 he was canonized. In 2005 the house was bought from private property, and in 2009 it was transferred to the Chernihiv Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

In 2009, the house restoration and conservation works began. First of all, the brick foundation was restored. The wooden walls were dismantled and replaced with damaged logs, trying to preserve the original building materials.

During the construction work, there were things that may have been owned to the reverent. So, under the floor were found handwritten notes, photographs, a calendar of 1935, a chronicle of icons, as well as a church book of 1907, with notes on the margins. Inside the lodge is a stove, which was also restored, as well as a bed in the room that served as a monk cell.

The St. Lawrence House Museum is open to visitors every day. On weekdays it can be visited from 10:00 to 14:00, on holidays and weekends - from 9:00 to 17:00.