Busts of the fabulist Leonid Hlibov

Leonid Hlibov was buried in the territory of the Trinity- Elijah Monastery in 1893. His tomb is now a monument of national importance in the region.

Leonid Hlibov is known to us all from school as a fabulist. In Chernihiv, he is known as the publisher and editor of the newspaper "Chernihiv List". The newspaper was not only about social problems or local officials, but also narrations about Chernihiv. Hlib Uspensky, for example, wrote that boredom is a characteristic feature of this one-story, peaceful town. And the biggest occasion in Chernihiv was the great fire. Because everyone gathered, gave advices to firefighters, and then for another 2 weeks discussed how it was burning.

Hlibov called Chernihiv a provincial bowery and a bedroom suite for the intelligentsia (intellectuals), so quiet and uninhabited here was.