The church was built in the XI century. The peculiarity and uniqueness of the church is that it is the only single-apse temple on the Left Bank of Ukraine. Fresco paintings on the walls, which included the church with Byzantine flavor. In 1774 the highest four-tier iconostasis was carven and afterward it was covered with gold. Above the Holy Gate the miraculous image of the Illine Mother of God was situated. 

The church has an ancient cemetery, which hides a very interesting secret. In the necropolis it was found out that in some burials of the monks of the XVII - XVIII centuries new burials of infants were made. In ancient times it was believed that if a child was not baptized, it could not be in Paradise. However, if it was buried on the territory of church, then the souls of the dead righteous become the key to Heaven. 

According to the Orthodox traditions, unbaptized children were not allowed to be buried on consecrated ground. Neither Catholics nor Protestants neglected all means to save the dead. That is why Western traditions influenced this burial ground. Nowadays the museum functions on the territory of the church; it is one of the most popular places in Chernihiv.