The Prison Castle


The first information about the prison in Chernihiv is known from Polish times. It was located on the territory of the Fortress, near the Savior Cathedral. However, in the second half of the XVIII century the prison ceased to meet the needs of the city, whose population was constantly growing, and consequently the crime was growing too. Then the city authorities built a new prison outside the city. This stockade prison consisted of a fence in the form of a sharp row of stakes, a guard room was built in front of the entrance, and barracks for prisoners were built in the middle behind the fence. However, this stockade prison also eventually stopped responding. Thus, at the end of the XVIII century, the construction of a new prison, called the Prison Castle, began.

The author of the Prison Castle project was the provincial architect A. Kartashevskyi. According to his plan, the prison was surrounded by a wall with four round towers on the corners. However, in 1803, Governor-General O. Kurakin, personally made changes to the project and the towers became quadrate. The Prison Castle building constructions was completed in 1806, 980 thousands of bricks were spent on it. During its history, the Prison Castle has been modernized and rebuilt several times, but has preserved most of the original architectural forms of the early ХІХ century.

Currently, the Chernihiv remand prison is set up in the Prison Castle.