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Сoffee house

Сoffee house

Mon-Sun: 06:30-01:00
Without breaks and weekends

90/22, Peremohy Avenue

Instagram: @coffee__boss

Coffee Boss - taste and smile make the day better! At the heart of the Coffee Boss concept is quality coffee at affordable prices.

Сoffee house

Mon-Sun: 08:00-23:00
Without breaks and weekends

62, Peremohy Avenue

Instagram: @smallcoffeetogo
Facebook: @smallcoffeetogo

Here you will enjoy bright colors, the taste of drinks, the sweetness of desserts and pleasant communication with the barista.

Сoffee house

Mon-Sun: 06:30-01:00
Without breaks and weekends

3, Chernyshevskoho Street


Coffee Boss - taste and smile make the day better! At the heart of the Coffee Boss concept is quality coffee at affordable prices.

Сoffee house

Mon-Fri: 7:30-20:30
Sat-Sun: 8:00-21:00

20, Mstyslavska Street

Instagram: @lucky_coffee_che
Facebook: @Lucky-Coffee

"Lucky Coffee" - coffee house chain, where you are always welcome!

Сoffee house

Mon-Fri: 7:30-20:30
Sat-Sun: 8:00-21:00

16, H. Polubotka Street

Instagram: @lucky_coffee_che
Facebook: @Lucky-Coffee

"Lucky Coffee" - coffee house chain, where you are always welcome!

Сoffee house

Mon-Sun: 08:00-23:00
Without breaks and weekends

15, Rokosovskoho Street

Instagram: @smallcoffeetogo
Facebook: @smallcoffeetogo

Here you will enjoy bright colors, the taste of drinks, the sweetness of desserts and pleasant communication with the barista.

Сoffee house

Mon-Sun: 06:30-01:00
Without breaks and weekends

1, Hvardiyskoyi armiyi Street


Coffee Boss - taste and smile make the day better! At the heart of the Coffee Boss concept is quality coffee at affordable prices.

Сoffee house

Mon-Sun: 08:00-22:00
Without breaks and weekends

77th Hvardiyskoyi Dyviziyi Street


Coffee Boss - taste and smile make the day better! At the heart of the Coffee Boss concept is quality coffee at affordable prices.

Сoffee house

Round the clock

198, Myru Avenue

Instagram: @coffee__boss

Coffee Boss - taste and smile make the day better! At the heart of the Coffee Boss concept is quality coffee at affordable prices.

Сoffee house

Mon-Fri: 7:30-20:30
Sat-Sun: 8:00-21:00

42, Nezalezhnosti Street

Instagram: @lucky_coffee_che
Facebook: @Lucky-Coffee

"Lucky Coffee" - coffee house chain, where you are always welcome!