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New quarantine rules in the City of Legends!

New quarantine rules in the City of Legends!


As early as October 30, 2021, new quarantine restrictions are introduced in Chernihiv. Chernihiv is now in the "red" zone.

That is why we have gathered all the necessary information about the situation with Covid-19 and the restrictions that apply during the implementation of the "red" zone.

Please note that you need to have one of the following documents with you to visit most establishments in Chernihiv:

enlightenedCertificate of complete vaccination (two doses);

enlightenedNegative PCR test for COVID-19;

enlightenedRapid test for coronavirus antigen SARS-CoV-2, which was conducted no more than 72 hours before the visit;

enlightenedA document from a doctor about the presence of contraindications or the transfer of the disease, which is valid for 180 days from the date of detection of the disease.

You can find more information at the link on the website of the Chernihiv City Council.


What and how does it work in the City of Legends?

enlightenedPublic transport (trolleybuses, buses and minibuses) operate in compliance with the conditions of 50% occupancy of passengers;

enlightenedCatering establishments operate only on condition of full vaccination (or availability of other documents) of employees and visitors;

enlightenedAccommodation facilities (hotels and hostels) operate provided that all employees and visitors have a certificate of full vaccination or other documents;

enlightenedShopping centers work only for vaccinated visitors (or if they have other documents);

enlightenedThe biggest tourist attractions of Chernihiv (Anthony's caves, cathedrals, temples, museums) work in the usual mode with a vaccination certificate or other documents;

enlightenedExcursions are also valid provided that everyone has the necessary documents (guide and tourists). Excursions must take place in masks and at a distance between participants.


Take care of yourself , Chernihiv is a city that cares about you!