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Presentation of the catalog of tourist routes

Presentation of the catalog of tourist routes

We are ready to present the first developments of #RTA Chernihiv Regional Tourist Association on April 13 at 12.00, Zoom platform.
Presentation of jointly developed tourist routes in the region for all interested, specialists, tour operators, those who work in the field of tourism, opens Ukraine to Ukrainians! Chernihiv region is interesting to visit, cluster managers of Chernihiv region will assure for 100%!

Specialists will gladly join the conversation: Ivan Liptuha, Mariia Yukhnovets, Yuliia Salo, Nataliia Pyrohova, Nataliia Skoryk. - they will express their impressions from what they have heard, perhaps provide recommendations, wishes, expert opinion above all.
And still, in the so-called second section, students of professional college of engineering and design will present the developments of a brand codes of Mena, Nizhyn, Pryluky, Mizin, Sosnytsia and a variant of the modernized Korop brand, it will be very interesting to see!