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We propose to engrave the City of Legends in photos in December

We propose to engrave the City of Legends in photos in December ⠀

How to do it in an unusual way?  ⠀

  • enjoy a hot spice drink from one of the city's cafes and take a picture of this moment ⠀

  • look through a black and white prism at the city from transport, take pictures of the City of Legends in black and white ⠀

  • evaluate the New Year's decoration of the City of Legends, take photos of your favorite locations  (Tourist Information Center also prepares beauty) ⠀

  • find its reflection in the windows of the city ⠀

  • to be photographed with this year's Christmas tree, which is already installed on Red Square  ⠀

We are waiting for your photos, friends! ⠀

When posting a photo, put the hashtag #CityLegends and tag us  https://www.instagram.com/chernihiv.travel.tic/?igshid=ghsifmbx0bvn