The Holy Intercession Church

Information about the first Church of the Holy Intercession in Chernihiv dates back to the end of the XVII century, and its first image dates back to 1706 on the "Outline of Chernihiv". This church was located almost in the center of such an area as Tretiak and was its central dominant. Tretiak originated in ancient times, but in the XVII-XVIII centuries he had no fortifications. Here Chernihiv manufacturing complexes are located. On the territory of Tretiak archaeologists excavated the remains of pottery of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Probable the Church of the Intercession was built at the expense of local potters in the second half of the XVII. It was a small three-part and three-storey building, topped by baths with tops and crosses. Chernihiv potters were buried around this church, as archaeologists recorded a cemetery of the 17th – 18th centuries. By the middle of the XVIII century the building of the Intercession Church began to collapse, so in 1764 a new church of the same name was built in its place. The new church was also made of wood and lasted until the XIX century, when the church building was liquidated.

However, in 1837, the new Church of the Intercession was added to the western facade of St. Catherine's Church. This church was warm, services were held here in the cold season in the early XX century. In the early XX century the Church of the Intercession together with its bell tower was renovated, giving some Baroque features. During the Soviet era, an archive was established in the Church of the Intercession. However, in September 1941, the retreating Soviet government ordered to burn both of churches. The building of the Intercession Church was badly damaged, so after the war it was decided not to restore and dismantled.