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To the 200th anniversary of the birth of Opanas Markovych (1822-1867)

To the 200th anniversary of the birth of Opanas Markovych (1822-1867)


During the 45 years of his prematurely severely ill life, Opanas Markovych managed to do a lot for the national culture and the preservation of the Ukrainian spiritual heritage. Evaluating the merits of Opanas Markovych to Ukraine, the magazine "Kyivska Staryna" wrote: "A noble talented man, a sower of good, beauty and science, has passed away." Chernihiv residents remember with gratitude the ascetic work of their compatriot, walking down the street named after Opanas Markovych, bowing to his bright memory near the modest tombstone on Boldyni Hills.

The full article can be found on the website of  M.M.Kotsiubynskyi Chernihiv Literary Memorial Museum-Reserve.
Author of the article: Tatiana Kuznetsova, Head of M.M . Kotsyubynsky Museum-Reserve .