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Chorna Mohula Legend

Many ancient mounds can be found in Chernihiv since pre-Christian times. One of them is related to the tragic love story of Princess Predslav Black.

Chorna Mohyla Legend

On the territory of Chernihiv there are many ancient mounds of pre-Christian times. They hide many secrets, one of which is connected with the tragic love of Princess Predslava Chorna. In the period from 948 to 968 in Chernihiv ruled the nephew of the Kyiv prince Ihor Rurykovych (by the way, who was also called Ihor) nicknamed "Chorny". He had two children - Volodyslav and Predslav. Legend tells that Predslava was a woman warrior and had unearthly beauty.  Upon Prince Khazar got to know, he wanted to take her as his wife. Predslava's father agreed, but the girl refused to marry the unloved.

When the treaty with the Khazar prince was terminated, a terrible battle took place, during which the brave girl threw herself out of the window of the high palace. Prince "Chorny" also died in this battle and was buried in a high mound. Instead of a wedding, the funeral of the beautiful Princess Predslava and her father took place. Later, this mound became known as the " Chorna Mohyla" (Black Tomb).



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The Black Tomb Mound