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The Legend about Illia Muromets

There are two mounds "Hulbyshche" and "Bezymenny" in the Boldin Hills. An ancient burial of a man, a woman and a horse was found in the first mound. Moreover, the man's height was at least 2 m 15 cm. And the massive equipment fit the hero. The sword weighed more than 10 kg and was 126 cm long. Other parts of the equipment were weapons. Then the legend arose that the hero Illia Muromets was buried there.

The Legend about Illia Muromets

The most impressive discovery was a large sword - the largest of the ancient Rus swords that was found. Its total length with a handle is 126 cm. The blade 6.5 cm wide was 105 cm long, the massive handle was decorated with silver notches and three rows of stones. Usually the average size of the sword was 85-90 cm, which means that the warrior had to be at least 215 cm tall to successfully control the sword. That is why some researchers suggest that this is where the epic hero Illia Muromets is buried.


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