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The legend about the house-ship

An unusual two-storey estate is located in the central part of Chernihiv, on the Khlibopekarska Street. It is not called a ship just for no reason. The estate was built in 1906 by Hryhorii Ostapenko, a former naval officer.

 The legend about the house-ship

An unusual two-storey estate is located in the central part of Chernihiv, on the Khlibopekarska Street. It is not called a ship just for no reason. The estate was built in 1906 by Hryhorii Ostapenko, a former naval officer. While living in Chernihiv, Captain Ostapenko planned to build a house that would remind him a warship. From the outside, the building looks like a beautiful modern estate, the highlight of which is a small balcony on the second floor.

According to urban legends, from this balcony the owner dropped the marine trap and guests enter the house by this ladder. Inside the house, a narrow spiral staircase awaited them, along which, like on a real ship, guests descended to the banquet hall. By the way, the captain also gave the names of the rooms in the marine style: he called the toilet a latrine, the kitchen a caboose, and the cook a coke. If you look closely, today you can see a small door on the wrought-iron balcony.


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"House-ship" of the sailor Ostapenko